OrderCounter Cloud Hybrid POS- mexican restaurant point of sale system

Mobile Tablets Keep Lines Moving At Taqueria El Asador

Location: Pensacola, FL Type of Restaurant: Mexican, Food Truck Number of Employees: 10 OrderCounter Solutions: Hybrid POS, Remote Backoffice, Gift Cards   The Secret Sauce that Made Business Insider List Taqueria El Asador as One of the Best Taco Restaurants in the Country Fast service is a food truck necessity. When Rive Garcia opened Taqueria[…]

OrderCounter Cloud Hybrid POS Social media presence

Unlock Top Online Orders with Google My Business

Unlock Top Online Orders with Google My Business: Boost Your Restaurant’s SEO and Sales in 2024 In today’s digital landscape, Google My Business is an online platform that gives restaurant owners the opportunity to expand their business on the web by giving free access to a public business page. When activating Google My Business restaurants[…]

Ordercounter, gift cards, pos, point of sale

Incorporate Gift Cards To Reach Your Revenue Goal

How to Incorporate Gift Cards To Reach Your Revenue Goal with our 4 Tips From birthdays to celebrations gift cards are one of the best and most versatile gifts a consumer can ask for. Billions of dollars are spent on gift cards alone each year. As a convenient gift for all customers, it’s no wonder why[…]

restaurant hybrid point of sale system

5 Ways Hybrid Cloud POS Systems Can Prevent Theft

5 Ways Your Hybrid Cloud POS System Can Help Prevent Restaurant Theft Prevent restaurant theft by using OrderCounter’s Hybrid Cloud Point of Sale System. With our system, use tools that can immediately notify and show you when employees have overstepped their duties by being alerted and given important information such as: Employee reports Overrides  Employee[…]